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 Certification Membership

quality is Key

teaching & learning quality

As an educational service provider, we follow the UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and supporting learning in higher education (Advance HE, Guild HE, Universities, 2011) as we value teaching and learning quality and promote high standard through the below membership and accreditation of our programs. Further, as a distance learning institution, we follow the Quality Guidelines to improve Quality of Distance Learning Institutes in Europe (EADL/EC 2017).


OTHM Qualifications Approved Centre


LSBE is an OTHM Qualifications Approved Centre, the UK based Awarding Organisation (Certification Body) approved and regulated by Ofqual (Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulation) in England.

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LSBE Membership

LSBE is a member of the European Association for Distance Learning (EADL) and has agreed to abide by its Code of Conduct and conform to its Quality Standards. EADL represents all privately-owned and non-governmental European organisations offering high quality and educationally sound distance learning. EADL aims to improve the quality and acceptance of distance learning to ensure the maximum benefit for students.

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